Greening the Comic Book Industry

Truth, Justice, and... Deforestation?

With Great Power Comes... Great Ecological Destruction?

Every month hundreds of thousands of comic books are printed on virgin paper. The Activism Center at Wetlands Preserve is in the research stages of a campaign to educate the comic book industry and consumers on recycled alternatives and to pressure the industry's major players to adopt environmentally responsible printing policies.

While comic books have a relatively small audience in the United States and thus somewhat limited print runs, the larger than life, pop cultural icons that fill their pages, who have received a major publicity boost via the high volume of recent comic book movies (Spider-man, X-Men, Batman Begins, etc.) and television series (Teen Titans, Smallville, Dragonball Z, etc.), make them an ideal focus for a high profile campaign to challenge forest destruction and call for a shift to recycled paper. Additionally the heroic ideals of characters such as Spider-man are easily linked with a concept of social responsibility.

Currently, we are conducting a survey of comic book fans to gauge their level of support for a shift to recycled paper printing-- even if this required an increase in the cover price of the comics they buy. So far fan response suggests that YES, comic fans DO care about the environment and ARE willing to support a price increase if it means that comics will be more eco-friendly.

In the very near future, we will be bringing our research to major comics publishers, asking them to be superheroes for the planet, and voluntarily adopt stringent ecological printing standards. Volunteers are needed to help with research on the industry, its paper usage, and viable alternatives. We also need volunteers who are willing to help conduct the fan survey at comic book shops and conventions.

To volunteer or learn more, contact Adam Weissman at (718) 880-7979 or email


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