Former Wetlands Activist
Imprisoned for
Environmental Direct Actions

Environmental and social justice activist Daniel McGowan, who participated in Wetlands campaigns against Mitsubishi, Home Depot, and other corporate criminals in the late nineties, was arrested on December 7th, 2005 and charged in federal court on counts of arson, property destruction and conspiracy, all relating to two environmental direct actions in Oregon in 2001. The sweep of arrests that Daniel's was a part of was indicative of the government's 'Green Scare' focus which has activists being arrested and threatened with life in prison while way more serious crimes go ignored.
For more information on the Green Scare, go here.

Initially, Daniel was offered two choices by the government: cooperate by informing on other people, or go to trial and potentially spend the rest of his life in prison. His only real option was to plead not guilty until he could reach a resolution of the case that permitted him to honor his principles. As a result of months of litigation and negotiation, Daniel was able to admit to his role in these two incidents, while not implicating or identifying any other people who might have been involved. He is currently imprisoned at FCI Sandstone in Minnesota, far from his family and friends in New York, and he can always use letters and support. For more information on Daniel and current support efforts, go here.

Write to Daniel at:
Daniel McGowan
#63794-053, Unit I
FCI Sandstone
P.O. Box 1000
Sandstone, MN 55072

See important letter writing guidelines here.


Phone: (718) 218-4523
Fax: (501) 633-3476
Email (no spaces):
info @

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