Victoria's Secret Victory!

After two years of campaigning to stop Victoria's Secret's printing of 395 million catalogs every year on unrecycled paper from southern US forests and Canadian boreal forests, environmental activists have declared a victory! On December 6th, 2006, ForestEthics and Victoria's Secret reached an agreement to reform Victoria's Secret's catalog paper policy.

Victoria's Secret's new paper policy will include will include:

* Eliminating suppliers sourcing from logging company West Fraser, responsible for the destruction of caribou habitat and Endangered Forests in the Boreal Forest (Alberta’s Rocky Mountain Foothills) and British Columbia (Inland Temperate Rainforest)
* Shifting their flagship catalog to 10% PCW content beginning in 2007
* A commitment to Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification, the only credible certification for sustainable logging
* Overall catalogue paper reduction
* Annual independent audit of environmental progress
* A commitment to phase out of Endangered Forests
* One million dollars committed to research and advocacy to protect Endangered Forests and ensure leadership in the catalogue industry

Wetlands has played an important role in the Victoria's Secret campaign since November 2005, when a stragetically-timed demonstration at Victoria's Secret's Herald Square store humiliated Victoria's Secret into cancelling the premier of their Angels Across America supermodel promotional event.

Since then we've organized numerous actions in conjunction with student groups, ForestEthics, Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping , and others—everything from small leaflettings to shutting down a store by chaining our necks to its doors.

While we are glad to see Victoria's Secret has taken these steps forward, we also recognize that Victoria's Secret still has a long way to go in reducing its impact on forests, and we also haven’t forgotten the other social justices Victoria's Secret is responsible for.

Nonetheless, people who care about forests have reason to celebrate. Thanks to everyone who played a role in this successful forest defense campaign!

Click here to view Wetlands Victoria's Secret Action timeline.

Click here to read ForestEthics' press release announcing the victory.

Click here to read media coverage of the victory.

Click here to send a thank-you letter to the CEO of Victoria's Secret and to encourage him to reform Victoria's Secret's other unethical practices (see below for details).

Victoria's OTHER Injustices

Prison Labor
Globalization and Labor Exploitation
Complicity with the Occupation of Palestine
Manipulating Women's Body Images


Phone: (718) 218-4523
Fax: (501) 633-3476
Email (no spaces):
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