Rally One Year from Inauguration Day: Biden Stop Supporting Genocide in Gaza
Saturday, January 20, will be one year from Inauguration Day 2025. Genocide Joe has enabled and supported Israel as it commits one of the greatest atrocities in the 21st century! Biden does not give a damn about Palestinian rights, but he DOES care about being reelected, so we will rally to let him know that if he does not call for #Ceasefirenow and stop providing weapons to Israel, he can forget about being sworn in as president again next January 20! (more)

Rockin' Rodney R.I.P.

New Book Released:
A Visual Encore

The complete and updated Calendar Collection plus BEFORE and BEYOND! OVER 3,700 Bands/Performers/Speakers names that appear in the book. OVER 700 PHOTOS! (more)

"WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON, CROWLEY?" Singing Grandmas, Performance Artists, Union Members and Activists Call on Rep. Crowley to Say No to Fast Track!

At a rally on Friday, at Rep. Joe Crowley's Queens district office, more than 125 protesters called on the Queens and Bronx Congressman to announce opposition to Fast Tracking the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership. (more)

Video: Elhurst, Queens Forum on TPP's Attack on Latin America
On Saturday, January 25th, TradeJustice New York Metro, Teraza 7, and Crowley Constituents for TradeJustice held a forum on the impacts of TPP and other free trade agreements on Latin America. The event also looked at the trade voting record of neighborhood Congressional Rep Joseph Crowley and why we must prevent Crowley from cosponsoring Fast Track Trade Authority legislation. (Watch the video in Spanish)

On Sunday, October 28th, 2012, Larry Bloch, our visionary founder and guiding light, passed on. We celebrate his life, honor his many good works, and proudly continue his legacy (more).
Mon, 9/24: Protest: Save the Sumatran Tiger! Don't Finance Indonesian Rainforest Destruction!

Indonesian Investment Day is an event where CEO's and CFO's from industries that profit from the destruction of Indonesia's endangered rainforests - palm oil, coal, oil and gas, and pulp and paper companies - will meet with US institutional investors (e.g. Goldman Sachs, BNY Mellon, Morgan Stanley, etc.) to hob nob and make deals. We'll be there to let investors know that investing in ecologically destructive industries in Indonesia is a high-risk investment - and to let the public know about US corporations who seek to profit from destroying rainforests! (more)

Sept 6-15: Protest TPP Negotiation in Leesburg, VA- Stop the Corporate Free Trade Coup!!
Join Wetlands Activism Collective and our allies for a direct action training, rally, and a series of actions to stop the TPP! (more)
Thurs, 3/29: Protest Joe "Congressman Wall Street" Crowley's 50th Birthday Fundraiser!

Hold him accountable for voting for the Panama, Colombia, and South Korea Free Trade Agreements! (more)

URGENT: Volunteers and Donations Needed to Help Enter and Fax Thousands of Postcards Before Congress Votes on Colombia, Panama, and South Korea Free Trade Agreements!

Learn how you can help Global Justice for Animals and the Environment and TradeJustice NY Metro deliver thousands of signed postcards to Congress in advance of the vote! (more)

Presentation: Free Trade Agreements, Animals Rights, and the Environment
GJAE is developing an in-depth presentation illustrating the myriad of ways that free trade agreements endanger animals, the environment, and the human rights of communities at the frontlines of environmental defense struggles. The presentation is an ongoing work in progress. View the current version here.
TradeJustice Activist Confronts Rangel and Maloney on Colombia Free Trade Agreement

Activists from TradeJustice NY Metro, a coalition of grassroots groups opposed to NAFTA-style free trade agreements attended the Speakout for Good Jobs Now Congressional Listening Tour event in New York City to ask Representatives Charlie Rangel and Carolyn Maloney where they stand on the job-killing Colombia, Panama, and South Korea Free Trade Agreements. Unfortunately, only one of us was able to speak before the moderator cut off questions. Fortunately, he used the opportunity to explain why the Colombia Free Trade Agreement will be a disaster for both countries.Watch the video!

Activists Call on Rep. Maloney to Oppose Trade Agreements That Limit Access to Lifesaving Drugs

On Sunday, June 26, 2011, TradeJustice activists flyered and petitioned in the West Village to challenge Representative Carolyn Maloney, one of two NYC Congressmembers participating in the 42nd Annual LGBT Pride March that day, to oppose trade agreements with Colombia, South Korea, and Panama that include intellectual property rules that will limit access to generic drugs for people with AIDS and others in need of lifesaving medications.(more)

New Documentary Profiles Former Wetlands Activist & Political Prisoner Daniel McGowan

"If a Tree Falls", a documentary on Wetlands veteran Daniel McGowan is playing in June and July 2011 at the IFC Center in Manhattan's West Village. (more)

Activists Protest Rep. Crowley, Colombian Ambassador Support for Colombia Free Trade Agreement at Community Forum

On Monday, June 20th, activists from Global Justice for Animals and the Environment, Mingas New York, and other groups opposed to the US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement staged a demonstration at a Colombian community forum with Congressman Joseph Crowley and Colombian Ambassador Gabriel Silva at the Centro Civico Colombiano in Elmhust, Queens (more)

Wetlands Activism Collective Creates NYCEnviroAction.org

Wetlands Activism Collective has launched NYC Enviroaction.org, an online calendar of environmental events in New York City.(more)

Wetlands Activism Collective Launches Animal Ethics Reading and Discussion Group

Wetlands Activism Collective has launched the Animal Ethics Reading and Discussion Group and the Readanimalethics.org website in an effort to popularize the philosophical basis of the animal liberation movement.(more)

Wetlands Veteran Marianne Maeckelbergh Arrested and Tortured By Belgian Police; 500 Others Arrested, Many Abused in Police Custody

On October 1st, 2010 Wetlands alum Dr. Marianne Maeckelbergh was arrested and severely abused by police in Brussels, Belgium while photographing an arrest. Dr. Maeckelbergh's arrest was one of about 500 during a week of police crackdowns on activists protesting fiscal austerity measures and xenophobic anti-migration policies. Like Dr. Maeckelbergh, many of the arrestees were tortured and four remain in police custody. Wetlands is part of an emerging international network demanding the release of the remaining prisoners and accountability for wrongful arrests and abuse of arrestees. (more)

Global Justice for Animals and the Environment Protests Latin American Presidents

From September 22nd to October 1st, Wetlands' Global Justice for Animals and the Environment project protested the Council of the Americas Presidents Series, featuring talks by the heads of state of Chile, Peru, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic, demanding an end to environmentally destructive extraction and energy projects, human rights violations, and free trade agreements with the US that facilitate these problems. (more)

Support Wetlands' Season of the Reaper!

Wetlands Activism Collective needs your support to continue our actions hold corporations and governments accountable for their crimes against our planet and its inhabitants.Through creative action we shed light on hidden crimes, building public pressure to curtail these abuses. From opposing toxic gold mining projects to exposing dirty Dow's greenwash to defending dolphins killed in the tuna trade to opposing the Canadian and Norwegian seal hunts to fighting the global expansion of factory farming, we fight to defend life over profit. (more)
Bhopal Activists in New York City deliver Arrest Warrant for Warren Anderson and Union Carbide Corporation to Appear in Indian Criminal Court
On June 14, 2010 members of the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal, Wetlands Activism Collective/Global Justice for Animals and the Environment, and of Kids for a Better Future spoke to media and attempted to hand-delivered copies of a warrant and criminal charges against Union Carbide Corporation and against its former CEO, Warren Anderson (who remains in hiding), to the offices of their attorneys, Kelly, Drye & Warren in connection with a 25-year old criminal case against them for their criminal responsibility for the 1984 Union Carbide gas disaster in Bhopal, India. The Kids for a Better Future leaders were turned away by security guards. (more)
As Free Trade Mining Hearing Begins, Grim Reapers Push Cyanide Mineral Water
On May 27th trade justice activists dressed as the CEO of Canadian mining company Pacific Rim and as Grim Reapers hawked free samples of "cyanide contaminated mineral water" to passersby at a promotional table purporting to represent the Pacific Rim Mining Company. The street theater performance, held in front of the Canadian Consulate was part of the International Day of Protest Against Mining and Free Trade in El Salvador, organized in conjunction with the commencement of hearings on Pacific Rim's CAFTA case against the government of El Salvador. (more)
Grim Reapers, Yes Men, Walking Dead, and Activist Kids Unite to Fight Dow Greenwash
On Sunday, April 18, activists exposed the Dow Live Earth Run for Water as a greenwash sham, intended to cover up Dow's global record of toxic water pollution. The action was the culmination of the Dow Dead Earth Days of Action, which also included a series of educational events including a lecture, a forum, a panel discussion, and a film screening. While the Dow event was an utter flop, the protest was a great success! (more)
Last Chance to Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to GJAE in 2009: Protect Dolphins & Seals from the WTO!
Ten years after activists dressed as turtles marched in the streets of Seattle against the World Trade Organization (WTO), the international body that enforces free trade rules at the expense of animal and environmental protection, the WTO is once again endangering marine wildlife.(more)
FUR FREE FRIDAY: GJAE Takes Action FOR Seals to Kick off WTO Turnaround Week of Action!
On Friday, November 27th, 2009 Global Justice for Animals and the Environment held our first ever international day of action, with protests in the United States in New York, NY and Tucson, AZ and in India in Bangalore, Karnataka in protest of Canada and Norway's WTO November 2009 challenge to the European Union's seal product ban, passed in May of 2009. (more)
GJAE Exposes Link Between Swine Flu, NAFTA, and Factory Farming on Trade Justice Day of Action!
On Monday, October 12, 2009, GJAE activists in New York and Tucson held demonstrations to expose the link between NAFTA, swine flu, and factory farming. The current swine flu epidemic is believed to have spread from a US-owned factory farm in Veracruz, Mexico, set up in the wake of NAFTA's liberalization of agricultural tariffs to exploit Mexico's weak health and environmental standards.(more)
With Andean Region Mired in Military Crisis, TradeJustice Activists Urge Crowley to Oppose Trade Deal with Corrupt, Repressive Colombian Gov't
On Saturday, March 8, 2008 members of the NYC People's Referendum on Free Trade, a coalition of community organizations opposed to NAFTA-style free trade agreements, will hold a protest at a corporate sponsored forum on the Colombia Free Trade Agreement featuring Representative Joseph Crowley Protesters were outraged at Crowley's vote for the Peru Free Trade Agreement and urged him to oppose controversial US Colombia Free Trade Agreement. (more)
Vampire-in-Chief Bush Drains Lifeblood of S. Korea, Colombia, Peru, and Panama with Free Trade Agreements
On July 22, Colombian independence day, Wetlands and our allies in the NYC People's Referendum on Free Trade, demonstrates against bilateral free trade agreements with street theater and other expressions of dissent at Flushing Meadows Park (more)
Black Bear, Big Horned Owl, Caribou Evict J. Crew from Boreal Forest at Corporate Office Environmental Protest
Culminating a national weekend of protests targeting the catalogs industry, on Monday, April 23, 2007 environmental activists from Wetlands Activism Collective staged a protest at the corporate office of J. Crew, demanding that they stop destroying boreal forests for catalog paper. Activists dressed as boreal forest animals served a notice of eviction from Canada s Boreal forest to a mock-chainsaw wielding activist dressed as J. Crew CEO Millard Drexler. The notice informed the company that they have 30 days to get out of Endangered Forests, increase recycled content, and reduce paper use (more)
Three Protests on the Week of Valentine's Day Tell J. Crew to Have a Heart and Stop Destroying Forests!
On Valentine's Day week, Wetlands Activism Collective helped kick off the next phase of the campaign to end the destruction of forests by the catalogs industry with three protests at J. Crew stores, With pink pastel signs, activists called on the company to "show some love for the forests" (more)
Party to Celebrate Victoria's Secret Victory & Wetlands' 18th Anniversary!

Join us at Times Up! to celebrate a major win in the campaign to stop catalog producers from destroying endangered forests! Celebrate 18 years of action for human, earth, and animal liberation! (more)

2006: A Year of Victories!

Learn about the highlights of Wetlands' activism highlights in 2006 and find out how you can support our efforts. (more)

Wetlands' "Greening the Comics Industry" Campaign Featured as Cover Story in Comics Magazine
Comics Foundry, an online magazine aimed at comic book fans, featured a cover story on Wetlands' campaign to shift the comic book industry towards the use of recycled paper in their December 2006 edition. (more)
Documentary on Wetlands Preserve Wins 2 Awards
"Wetlands Preserved," a new documentary film on the history of Wetlands' 161 Hudson Street nightclub, took the honors at the Ashville Film Festival for Best Documentary and received the "Best Unreleased Film." Award at the High Times Stony Awards. (more)

Wetlands' Book Collection Joins Vito Marcantonio Library

Wetlands radical library collection has become part of the Vito Marcantonio Library in Hackensack, NJ. The library can be visited by appointment and our collection of books and videos is now available on loan.(more)
Victoria's Secret Victory for Forests!
After two years of campaigning to stop Victoria's Secret's printing of 395 million catalogs every year on unrecycled paper from southern US forests and Canadian boreal forests, environmental activists have declared a victory! On December 6th, 2006, ForestEthics and Victoria's Secret have reached an agreement to reform Victoria's Secret's catalog paper policy.(more)
Global Justice for Animals Releases Report Condemning Peru Free Trade Agreement
Global Justice for Animals has released a report, "The U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement: Protecting Investors Rights To Exploit Animals & The Environment" that documents how the proposed free trade agreement between the United States and Peru will threaten wildlife (like this Amazon milk frog) and expand cruel factory farming of animals.(more)
Long-time Wetlands Friend Brad Will Murdered in Oaxaca, Mexico
Activist and independent media journalist Brad Will (pictured here standing in front of the banner at our June 2006 Victoria's Secret action) was murdered in Oaxaca, Mexico on October 27, 2006, one of a growing list of casualities as the Oaxacan paramilitaries and Mexican Federal Police suppress the popular movement demanding self-governance and the removal of illegitimate Oaxacan governor Ulises Ruiz. Wetlands activsts have joined the newly formed Friends of Brad Will to demand accountability for the murders and disappearances in Oaxaca and to support the struggle of the Oaxcan people. (more)
Former Wetlands Activist Jailed for Nonviolent Animal Advocacy
Andy Stepanian, who worked with Wetlands in the late nineties on our Endangered Species Action and NYC Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade projects before going on to relaunch the Long Island Animal Defense League, has been jailed under the free-speech squelching Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act as one of the SHAC 7 for the "crime" of organizing peaceful protests against financiers of animal research. (more)

Activists Shut Down Victoria's Secret Store to Protest Forest Destruction for Catalog Paper

Activists chained their necks to the doors of the Victoria's Secret store at 85th Street and Broadway in Manhattan to protest the printing of over one million catalogs every day on paper from southern US and Canadian boreal forests. They were accompanied by protesters from Wetlands Activism Collective and Catalogs Without Clearcuts, demanding that Victoria's Secret increase its use of post-consumer recycled paper and stop destroying forests for catalogs. (more)
Wetlands Launches Global Justice for Animals to Defend Animals from Pro-Corporate Trade Agreements
Animals like this Peruvian brown capuchin monkey are threatened by trade agreements that sacrifice habitat protections and animal rights in the interest of corporate profits. Wetlands has established Global Justice for Animals to provide analysis and leadership to the animal rights movement in opposition to trade agreements that threaten animals' welfare and lives (more)
Former Wetlands Activist
Imprisoned for
Environmental Direct Actions

Environmental and social justice activist Daniel McGowan, who participated in Wetlands campaigns against Mitsubishi, Home Depot, and other corporate criminals in the late nineties, was arrested on December 7th, 2005 and charged in federal court on counts of arson, property destruction and conspiracy, all relating to two environmental direct actions in Oregon in 2001.(more)

Wetlands SLAMS Victoria's Secret at Two Stores with Giant Banner, Puppet, and In-Store Disruptions

On Thursday, June 29th, 2006 Wetlands activists made Victoria's Secret feel the summer heat, slamming them with actions at their stores in the Manhattan Mall and on the corner of 34th Street and 6th Avenue. "Victoria," a fang-toothed, tree-consuming bra and panties monster puppet joined protesters as they raised a 120 square foot,banner, leafletted and chanted "What's Victoria's Secret? Forest Destruction!", and stormed both locations to cause disruptions to alert customer's to Victoria's Secret complicity in forest destruction.(more)


28 animal rights groups, including Wetlands Activism Collective signed a letter that was sent to every member of the House of Representatives today, condemning the Oman Free Trade Agreement with the U.S., scheduled for a today in the House of Representatives, as "a deadly disaster" for wildlife like this sea turtle. (more)

Activists Face Off with OfficeMax Execs Over Company's Destruction of Endangered Forests

OfficeMax executives scheduled to speak at the Credit Suisse Consumer and Retail Conference were met with a surprise demonstration. Protestors who were denied access to the invitation-only event were on hand to call on the company to make an environmental commitment that meets or beats its rivals, Staples and Office Depot, who were also participating in the conference. (more)
chick trucking Over 100 Animal Protection Groups Decry Congress Vote on DR-CAFTA as "Deadly Disaster" for Animals

Animal advocates denounced the passage of the Dominican Republic Central America Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA), which passed the House of Representatives on July 28 by a vote of 217-215 as "a deadly disaster"? for farmed animals and wildlife. Prior to the vote, a letter signed by over 100 animal organizations, including Wetlands Preserve, PETA, In Defense of Animals, Friends of Animals, and Farm Sanctuary, was sent every member of the House condemning the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement. (More)

Brace yourself for extinction!Wetlands Eco-Activists Survey Comic Book Fans' Environmental Consciousness
As part of a year-long market research survey, Wetlands activists polled comic book fans at Big Apple Comic Book, Art, and Toy Show on June 18th. Additional surveys were conducted on September 10th and 11th. Comic fans filled out survey forms asking if they would support an industry-wide move to recycled paper and whether they would be willing to pay more to make this possible. At the end of the survey, Wetlands reps will be presenting the data to major comic book publishers, asking them to be environmental super heroes and to make the switch to recycled paper. (More)

Global Justice Activists Take to the Streets Against CAFTA!

On Saturday, June 4th, Wetlands activists united with over a hundred marchers from unions, Latin American solidarity groups, Latino community organizations, and peace groups in a diverse and energetic 60 block march through Washington heights to say NO to the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA). DR-CAFTA will strip away protective legislation in the name of "free trade" and is opposed by a wide array of constituencies, including students, AIDS activists, workers, environmentalsts, farmers, beneficiaries of public services (a.k.a. everyone!), and animal advocates. Wetlands is part of the NYC People's Referendum on Free Trade, a coaltion working to unite these diverse interest against a trade agreement that serves the interests of mega-corporations-- at everyone else's expense! (More)

Crate & Barrel Rainforest Victory!

With a quick response to the Rainforest Relief-led Nyatoh Day of Action (including NYC actions by Wetlands and Rainforest Relief at Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel, and Target) and following two years of letters and postcards, Crate & Barrel recently became the first company to announce that they will end the sales of furniture made from nyatoh, a wood logged from the rainforests of Indonesia. In a telephone conversation, company spokeswoman Betty Kahn stated that as of next year, Crate & Barrel will not carry nyatoh. (More)
Hundreds Attend Grassroots Animal Rights Conference!
From March 31st to April 3rd, 2005, over 300 community-based animal advocates from throughout the US and Canada participated in the Grassroots Animal Rights Conference, a gathering intended to empower grassroots organizers with concrete skills and networking opportunities an explore the interconnections of all forms of oppression. Wetlands activists worked with volunteer animal advocates from around the nation to organize this event, and we will be working together again on future projects to build a more effective animal advocacy movement. (More)
Valentine's Day Victoria's Secret Protest at Herald Square
After the Christmas season, Victoria's Secret does its strongest business around Valentine's Day, so environmental activists used the week of Valentine's Day as an opportunity to educate consumers about Victoria's Secret's complicity in the destruction of US Southern forests and Canadian boreal forests.(More)

Victoria's Dirty Secret Exposed!
To prevent a Wetlands protest from revealing the devastating impact of Victoria's Secrets catalogs on our planet's forests, the company sent a last minute news release to the media announcing that they were canceling the launch of their Angels Across America supermodel national tour at their Herald Square store. Suspicious media reps went to the store to get the real story on the cancellation. The protest was covered in Hoy, Women's Wear Daily, and Direct Marketing News.(More)

Freegan.info Generates An Explosion of Media Attention for Sustainable Living
Within the last few months, our efforts to expose the massive waste of resources in our mass-consumption economy have been covered in literally dozens of major newspapers and on local, national, and international television and radio programs. (More)
Bank of America Victory!
On the eve of the national day of action against Bank of America/Fleet, as Wetlands volunteers were busily preparing placards for our demonstration the next day, we received word from the Rainforest Action Network that the 2nd largest US bank had caved under the pressure at the 11th hour, agreeing to new climate change and forest policies that make the company the clear world financial leader on the environment. (More)


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