General Positions

Internships and Volunteer Positions Available


General Positions

General internships are entry-level positions for people new to social change work or who can only commit a very limited amount of time. Rather than focusing on a specific project or campaign, novice interns work on a variety of projects as the need arises, in order to expose the intern to a wide range of projects and tasks. For applicants who are unsure of which project they wish to pursue this is an excellent starting point. Over time, general interns may choose to progress into a specialized internship,


Program Based Internships




Wetlands animal rights campaigns have included efforts to stop drug addiction studies and maternal deprivation experiments on monkeys; to prevent legislation to legalize crossbows and cruel snare traps; to ban the hunting of animals in fenced-in areas (canned hunting) and the production of foie gras, to end the sale of fur garments; to promote vegan diets; to grant local governments the power to ban animal trapping; and much more.


Animal Rights and Globalization

Wetlands' Global Justice for Animals and the Environment (GJAE) project is a new effort to research the impacts of global free trade agreements on animals, to bring this information to legislators and the media, and to mobilize animal activists against these agreements.   To learn more about GJAE visit our website at GJAE is looking for an intern to help in all of these areas.


  • Research and develop reports on proposed free trade agreements
  • Find content for
  • Draft flyers, action alerts, sign-on letters to congress, and other literature.
  • Lobby elected officials
  • Draft press releases and contact media to announce activities, release of reports, respond to Congressional votes, etc.
  • Contact animal rights groups around the country to urge them to pressure their elected officials.
  • Translate research documents from Spanish (for bilingual interns)

Helpful Skills (not required):

  • Familiarity with globalization and animal rights issues.
  • Interest in research
  • Spanish fluency
  • Writing ability.
  • Experience in lobbying and legislative activism.


Environment and Globalization
By eliminating environmental protections viewed as "trade barriers", restricting green procurement legislation, and protecting the investments of corporate polluters, free trade agreements have a devastating impact on forests and other ecosystems.  Wetlands Activism Collective is presently working to stop Congress from ratifying free trade agreements with Peru, Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.

  • Read text and analyses of the Peru, Panama, Colombia, and South Korea free trade agreements to learn how they impact environmental protection
  • Organize educational workshops to inform New Yorkers on environmental impacts of free trade agreements.
  • Meet with legislators and their aides to inform them of the environmental impact of proposed trade deals.
  • Mobilize environmental groups around the country to educate their communities and pressure elected officials to oppose anti-environmental free trade agreements.
  • Through Op-Eds, story pitches, events, and letters to the editor raise profile of trade/environment connection through mass media.
  • Work with allied organizations to stage protests to increase pressure on elected officials to oppose free trade deals.



English-Korean/Korean-English Translator and Researcher
The battle is under way to stop passage of the South Korea Free Trade Agreement, and to maximize the effectiveness of our efforts, international solidarity is essential. To fight this agreement, we need to build effective alliances with the Korean American community, advocacy organizations in South Korea, and learn more about issues facing animals and the environment in South Korea through Korean news media and publications of advocacy groups and the Korean government.  Global Justice for Animals and the Environment seeks an individual who can facilitate all of these functions by acting as a translator and interpreter.

  • Translate correspondence to and from Korean advocacy groups.
  • Locate relevant documents in Korean and translate them.
  • Translate Global Justice for Animals and the Environment publications and webpages into Korean.
  • Work with Korean American groups to outreach to Korean American community on animal and environmental impacts of free trade agreements.

Helpful Skills:

  • Fluency in English and Korean
  •  Writing, editing, and translation skills.
  •  Research skills.
  •  Strong communication skills.


English-Spanish/Spanish-English Translator and Interpreter
The Bush administration is in the midst of a multi-year effort to build a US dominated trading bloc throughout the Americas via bilateral trade agreements that threaten animals and their habitats. Administration efforts are currently focused on deals with Peru, Panama, and Colombia. Global Justice for Animals and the Environment is working to stop the passage of these trade deals by researching their negative implications and publicizing the issue to elected officials in the general public in the US and abroad. To fight these agreements, we need to build effective alliances with immigrant communities from these countries, share information with advocacy groups in Peru, Panama, and Colombia, and learn more about issues facing animals and the environment in these countries through news media and publications of advocacy groups and governments.  Global Justice for Animals and the Environment seeks an individual who can facilitate all of these functions by acting as a translator, researcher, and occasional interpreter.

  • Translate correspondence to and from advocacy groups in Latin America.
  •   Locate relevant documents in Spanish and translate them.
  •  Translate Global Justice for Animals and the Environment publications and webpages into Spanish.
  •  Work with US based Latino organizations to outreach to Latinos in the US on animal and environmental impacts of free trade agreements.

Helpful Skills:
* Fluency in English and Spanish.
* Writing, editing, and translation skills.
* Research skills.
* Strong communication skills.

 Our planet's forests are under attack, and corporate logging polices are responsible!  Wetlands Activism Collective campaigns to stop the destruction of forests for paper comic books and catalogs and wood for outdoor furniture.  We also campaign against corporate-backed free trade agreements including provisions that threaten forests and increase investor protections for logging companies.

Wetlands Activism Collective is presently seeking interns for three summer positions to work on our comics, trade, and catalogs campaigns (we may add a fourth relating to the outdoor furniture at a later date). 

Catalogs Campaign

 As part of the nationwide Paper Campaign spearheaded by ForestEthics, Wetlands is working to shift the catalog industry towards increased use of recycled paper. 

á       Organize protests at stores and corporate offices of companies using paper pulp from endangered forests in their catalogs. Work with     volunteers to create props, signs and banners, script street theater, choose targets, and alert media.

á       Recruit new activists to the campaign by organizing lectures, film screenings, and information booths in public places at environmental / progressive events.

á       Outreach to alternative and mainstream media on catalogs campaign with story pitches, Op-Eds, and letters to the editor.

á       Data enter signed petitions, mail to company executives, and contact individuals who request additional information.

á       Collect photos and videos and write articles describing protests for campaign blog and website.

á       Develop content on the campaign for website.

Greening the Comics Industry
Wetlands Activism Collective's Greening the Comics Industry Campaign seeks to shift the comic book industry to use of 100% post-consumer recycled paper and to reduce overall paper use. 

  • Develop a national list of comic book conventions to survey fans at and organize grassroots environmentalists around the country to conduct fan surveys.
  • Research current paper used in the comic book industry and viable recycled alternatives; collect recycled paper samples.
  • Develop and send informational packets and arrange meetings with comic book publishers to educate them on recycled alternatives present information on recycled paper options
  • Data enter and analyze survey results with consultation from polling experts.
  • Inform comics community of recycled paper issues through outreach to comics fan and trade press.


Wetlands has fought in solidarity with indigenous people worldwide in struggles for social and environmental justice. We have challenged logging, mining, natural gas, and oil extraction on traditional indigenous lands, fought against the forced relocation of the Dineh and other indigenous people, challenged hydroelectric projects that would create flood native peoples' homelands, publicized indigenous political prisoners like Leonard Peltier.


Forests and Indigenous Rights

The boreal forests of Canada are home to roughly 500 first nations communities—many of which are threatened by corporate logging projects.  Similarly, many indigenous communities make their homes in the rainforests of Southeast Asia—currently being liquidated for uses wood for uses including outdoor furniture.  Wetlands forest defense campaigns are working to defend these forests and to publicize and support efforts by indigenous communities to defend their homelands against corporate logging interests. 


á       Research impacts of forest destruction on indigenous communities.

á       Organize film screenings and other educational events on the impacts of forest destruction on indigenous communities. 

á       Collaborate with ForestEthics and Rainforest Relief to organize protests on these issues

á       Build alliances with indigenous rights groups and indigenous communities.

á       Publicize issues to mass media, including indigenous issues focused media, through Op-Eds, Letters to the Editor, radio interviews, and by garnering media coverage of protests and other actions through press releases and pitch calls to reporters.


Indigenous Rights and Trade

(see Trade Justice section)



Free trade agreements harm workers, small farmers, the environment, animals, healthcare recipients, and indigenous communities while creating opportunities for profits at the world's expense by socially irresponsible multinational corporations.  Wetlands is an active member of TradeJustice NY Metro, a coalition of organizations working to oppose these unfair trade deals.


Indigenous Rights and Globalization

 Since 2002, Wetlands Activism Collective has worked with an alliance of labor, Latin American solidarity, Latino and South Korean community groups, environmentalists and AIDS activists in opposition to free trade deals that threaten indigenous communities.  This spring and summer, we're fighting to stop the passage of free trade agreements with Peru, Panama, South Korea, and Colombia, and need an intern to help mobilize opposition to these agreements. (For a basic introduction to the impact of free trade agreements on indigenous people, visit


á       Become familiar with the threats posed to indigenous communities by corporate globalization through books like the International Forum on Globalization's Paradigm Wars: Indigenous Resistance to Globalization.

á       Outreach to indigenous community organizations in the US and abroad to form alliances to oppose free trade deals.

á       Update our brochure on the impact of free trade agreements on indigenous people.

á       Develop content for the website.

á       Arrange for indigenous speakers to participate in community forums on free trade agreements.

á       Participate in organizing demonstrations against corporations involved in violating indigenous rights.

á        Organize forums and film screenings addressing impacts of free trade deals on indigenous communities.

á        Stay abreast of other local actions for indigenous rights and outreach about Wetlands indigenous solidarity campaigns at these events.

á       Publicize the link between free trade and violations of the human rights indigenous people in the mass media and indigenous-focused media.


Labor Rights and Globalization
Wetlands, both on our own and in coalition with other groups has addressed worker oppression in Burma, Honduras, Russia, Indonesia, Haiti, Saipan, China, and the USA, through demonstrations, civil disobedience, marches, public forums, production and distribution of literature, and other tactics. Since 2002, we've worked with an alliance of labor, Latin American solidarity, Latino and South Korean community groups, environmentalists and AIDS activists in opposition to anti-labor free trade agreements.  This spring and summer, we're fighting to stop the passage of free trade agreements with Peru, Panama, South Korea, and Colombia, and need an intern to help mobilize opposition to these agreements.  For background on this issue, visit

á       Research the impacts of pending free trade deals on labor rights.

á       Outreach to labor unions and anti-sweatshop groups in involve them in coalition efforts to oppose the current round of bilateral free trade agreements.

á       Run information booths and speak at anti-sweatshop events regarding the impact of free trade agreements on labor rights in the US and abroad

á       Organize speaking events on sweatshop issues at Wetlands.

á        Develop update our brochure on Labor rights and free trade agreements.

á       Serve as resource person on labor and free trade issues, addressing inquiries, disseminating resources developing files, and collecting anti-sweatshop books, videos, and literature.

á       Develop content on the labor impacts of free trade agreements for t he website

á       Speak at schools, to community and religious groups, union locals etc.

á       Meet with legislators and their aids to present information on the labor impacts of free trade deals.

á       Publicize free trade deals' impact on labor and the economy through the mass media by writing Op-Eds and letters to the editor.

á       Organize marches, rallies and protests.

Helpful Skills (not required):

á       Fluency in Spanish, ability to translate written and spoken Spanish.


Trade Justice Organizer

Be part of grassroots efforts to oppose free trade agreements that endanger our environment, threaten jobs, displace family farmers, promote cruel factory farming, and limit access to medicines by enforcing corporate intellectual property.


With Upper Manhattan Congressmember Charlie Rangel now the chair of the US House of Representatives' Ways and Means Committee, NYC is now the most important city in the country for activism against corporate globalization.


As an intern with Wetlands Activism Collective, you'll work as part of the NYC People's Referendum on Free Trade and the Movement Against the Free Trade Agreements, an alliance of progressive Latino and Korean community organizations, Latin American solidarity groups, AIDS activist groups, environmentalists, peace groups progressive churches, labor unions, and animal rights organizations opposed to free trade deals.


  • Organize community forums and teach-ins on pending free trade deals.
  • Arrange and attend meetings with elected officials to lobby them against destructive trade agreements.
  • Write reports, brochures, and other publications on pending free trade agreements.
  • Develop content for
  • Organize volunteers and participate in grassroots community outreach-- flyering, staffing information booths, and postering. 
  • Draw media attention to pending trade deals by writing Op-Eds, letters to the editor, and by making contact with key reporters and editors.
  • Develop information displays for use at information booths, libraries, and other venues.
  • Outreach to diverse community organizations to inform them on free trade issues and involve them in efforts to oppose them.

Helpful Skills (not required):

  • Ability to speak Spanish and/or Korean is helpful. 
  • Strong writing ability
  • Graphic design
  • Web design
  • Research skills
  •  Lobbying experience,
  • Strong communication ability.


Task Based Positions


Activist Videographer

Wetlands Activism Collective seeks an intern to document on video our forums, protests, educational walking tours, and other events and create short films that can


á       Record protests, forums, civil disobedience actions, and other events.

á       Edit footage into news clips and upload to websites like Indymedia and Youtube.

á       Obtain raw footage and news coverage of older actions and events and upload to the web.

á       Start a Vlog and Podcast w/ RSS feed.

á       Explore possibility to air content on public access television.

á       Create a documentary on Wetlands' actions and campaigns using old and new footage.

á       Link video content to Wetlands' website and write headlines and synopses for the Wetlands homepage.

Helpful Skills & Resources:

* Access to and familiarity with digital video equipment and editing software.

*Access to digital video camera and editing software.

Activist Photographer

Wetlands Activism Collective seeks an intern to photograph our forums, protests, educational walking tours and other events.


á       Photograph events.

á       Upload photographs to the Wetlands Preserve and websites with descriptive captions.

á       Provide photographs of Wetlands events to mainstream and alternative journalists.

á       Select photographs to include in media kits provided to reporters.

Helpful Skills & Resources:

á       Access to digital camera.

á       Ability to upload photographs to the Internet.

Strong photographic ability.

Administrative Assistant

Wetlands' administrative assistant aides volunteers in performing tasks essential to maintaining an effective and efficient non-profit organization.


  • Sort and file stored paper documents and incoming mail.
  • Organize and maintain data  files on hard drive
  • Check voicemail and email and disseminate messages to appropriate parties.
  • Work with volunteers to design and refine efficient office systems. 
  • Check post office box.
  • Create administrative files and maintain index of administrative and campaign files. 
  • Data entry of new contacts
  • Management of Computerized Rolodex
  • Maintain office supplies and solicit supply donations via Freecycle, Craigslist, and other venues.

Helpful Skills:

  • Office experience
  • Highly organized
  • Strong Typing Skills


Civil Disobedience/ Protest Organizer

This internship is a chance of a lifetime to learn action skills from veteran blockaders, banner droppers, tree sitters, hunt saboteurs, tripod climbers, office occupiers, street theater performers, puppet and costume makers, march and rally organizers while participating in the organizing of actions with Wetlands, Rainforest Relief, and other groups.


á       Read books on direct action including The Handbook for Nonviolent Action and The Earth First! Direct Action Manual.

á       Watch direct action films and videos like "A Call to Direct Action" and "Breaking Free."

á        Attend nonviolence trainings and study consensus process.

á       Assist in organizing  actions, taking on responsibilities including researching issues and targets; scouting locations; researching, building, and /or acquiring special equipment, creating banners, signs, literature, press releases, and press packets, recruiting participants for the action and support roles, alerting media to the upcoming event, and much more.

á       Participate in direct action or support roles including interacting with police or media, leading lawful support demonstrations, photography/ videography, and jail support.


Helpful Skills:

á       Willingness to respect security culture, as discussed in publications like Security Culture: A Handbook for Activists  (

á       Experience participating in protest activities (not required).


Computer Repair and Networking

Wetlands Activism Collective is opening a new office in the summer of 2007.  We wish to establish a simple PC network and have several PCs that need cards, drives, and systems installed.  We're also interested in starting a free computer repair workshops to rescue discarded computers and teach people to fix computers that they can keep in order to keep computers and peripherals—which often contain toxic chemicals--out of the waste stream.  We may also wish to offer some repaired computers on Craigslist for a donation.  We are looking for an intern interested in doing hands on work to repair computers, establish and maintain networks, and possibly to teach these stills to others.


* Regularly run diagnostics and update versions for all programs on office computers.

* Troubleshoot hardware and software problems

* Sell machines from within Wetlands' collection of older computer equipment to fund the purchase of more modern computers

* Install new hardware

* Establish a network to link office terminals

Helpful Skills:

* Familiarity with setting up intra-office  networks.

* Strong ability at troubleshooting and repairing PCs.

* Broad knowledge of diagnostic and repair software

* Teaching ability (optional)


Concert Organizing Assistant
Wetlands began as a music venue dedicated to using life entertainment to subsidize and raise awareness about social justice and environmental activism.  We seek to rekindle this tradition by organizing benefit concerns that will combine music, films, and activist speakers.  We are current seeking an individual to work with other volunteers and interns in organizing and publicizing these events.
* Identify and book potential concert venues.
* Solicit and collect donations (food, drinks, raffle prizes, etc.)
* Rent or borrow necessary A/V equipment (speakers, monitors, video projectors, screens, etc.)
* Research and address necessary licensing issues (liquor, cabaret, etc).
*  Locate and recruit musical talent. 
* Recruit speakers
* Rent, borrow, or purchase films.
* Promote event through activist and music industry media,
Helpful Skills:
* Benefit concert organizing experience.
* Band and music venue contacts.
* Effective negotiator.
* Promotional experience.


Data Manager

Wetlands maintains a range of databases and spreadsheets on volunteers, NGOs, media, and other subjects. We are looking for someone to coordinate and expand them as well as to increase their efficiency.

á       Streamline/expand and merge/interlink databases.

á       Enter and check

á       Prepare written instructions for using all databases.

Helpful Skills:

á       Familiarity with spreadsheet and database programs including Microsoft Excel, and Filemaker Pro.

á        Excellent typing ability.

á       Ability to write clear, concise instructions, accessible to people with varying levels of English proficiency.

á       Comfortable cold-calling to fact-check data. Manager
Wetlands seeks an individual willing to manage the general fund and special project funds of a low-budget non-profit organization

  • Develop an efficient accounting system to account for all organizational income and expenditures.
  •  Train volunteers and interns to record expenditures
  • Allot funding authorized expenditures.
  •  Send letters of acknowledgement for tax-deductible contributions.
  • Manage all deposits into Wetlands credit union account.
  •  Manage Wetlands Paypal account.
  •  Process donations through Rainforest Relief, Wetlands' 501(c)3 fiscal sponsor. 
  •  Track and estimate value of in-kind donations of supplies and labor.
  •  Generate financial statements on a seasonal basis.
  • Establish separate credit union/bank accounts for special project funds. 
  •  Research tax and tax status questions with IRS.

Helpful Skills:

  • Training and experience in bookkeeping.
  • Understanding of IRS rules relating to income reporting for 501(c)3 organizations.
  • Formal education or experience in financial aspects of non-profit administration.
  •  Highly organized.


Fundraising is a critical component of ensuring that nonprofit organizations like Wetlands Activism Collective have the resources they need to run effective campaigns.  Wetlands seeks an intern to work with volunteers to organize generate funding for our activities.

  • Research effective fundraising strategies, using books like Kim Klein's Fundraising for Social Change.
    * Organizing volunteer-based telephone canvassing efforts to solicit donations from Wetlands supporters.
    * Research, draft, and submit applications for grants.
    * Identify and arrange meetings with prospective major donors.
    * Draft fundraising appeals.
    * Organize fundraising events, including benefit dinners, parties, and concerts.

Helpful Skills:

  • Experience or training in non-profit fundraising.  


Graphic Designer

Wetlands Activism Collective seeks a graphic design student, professional, or other graphic skilled individual to design websites, publications, banners, presentations and educational displays.

Helpful Skills:

* Proficiency in graphic design for websites, publications, displays, PowerPoint presentations and other media.


Internship Outreach & Recruitment Assistant


á       Read and answer internship inquiries and applications

á        Maintain internship database.

á       Post information on Wetlands internships to websites and activist email lists.

á       Arrange, coordinate, and staff information booths at concerts, conferences, street fairs, and other events to publicize Wetlands internships.

á       Assist internship program coordinator in conducting internship interviews.

á       Develop database of high school, college, and trade internship programs.

á       Coordinate mailings to high school and college internship programs and student organizations.

Ensure that an ample supply of internship information packets is always available for information tables, etc.

á       Work with internship program coordinator to complete forms and respond to inquiries from school internship programs.

Helpful Skills:

  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Excellent organizational and research skills
  • Some knowledge of the Internet and Microsoft Excel


Media Relations

For years, Wetlands has brought environmental, human rights and animal rights issues into the news in New York City, the world's vastest and most competitive media market. We are now making available an opportunity for interns to learn the skills that have made this possible from experienced Wetlands media activists.


á       Update and refine our spreadsheet of media contacts

á       Research various publications' policy on upcoming events listings and fax announcements of our activities.

á        Update media contacts on Wetlands mailing list.

á       Research media strategy through publications like Primetime Activism and the Ruckus Guide to Direct Action Media.

á       Draft media advisories and press releases.

á       Track coverage of our activities in the media and obtain copies of news reports about our work.

á        Develop sound bites and talking points on Wetlands campaigns.

á       Create media kits—packets of background information to distribute to journalists at events and to put on our website.

á       Serve as a media spokesperson at demonstrations, marches, rallies, and direct actions.

á       Participate in off-site media for direct actions: faxing news releases, hyping stories to assignment editors, conducting telephone interviews, providing video, photos and press packets to media, and more!

Helpful Skills:

* Strong writing and communication skills.

Street Theater Director

Creative performance plays a key role in Wetlands' efforts to draw the attention of the media and the general public to vital environmental, animal rights, and human rights issues.   Wetlands seeks an intern to help create these performances.\


á       Brainstorm street theater performances on current Wetlands campaigns

á       Recruit costume and prop-makers and organize work parties to make theater props and costumes.

á       Recruit volunteer performers and script and rehearse performances.

á       Obtain needed materials for props and costumes from Materials for the Arts and other sources.

á       Where needed, prepare accompanying literature to hand out to passersby and journalists at events. 

Helpful Skills (not required):

á       Acting and/or directing experience.

á       Works well with groups.

á       Experience making theatrical props on limited budgets.

á       Visual art ability (for painting, drawing, or crafting props)




As an organization committed to informing the public, elected officials, and the media on critical issues facing our planet and its inhabitants, Wetlands releases numerous publications and maintains 6 websites, and needs interns to assist with writing and editing.


  • Write news stories on Wetlands actions for website, for the blog, and other "friendly" media outlets. 
  • Proofread and edit reports, flyers, events schedules, media kits, and other publications, as well as the content of Wetlands WebPages. 
  • *Work with campaigners to develop brochures, flyers, action alerts and other publications on Wetlands campaigns/
  • Develop an introductory brochure describing Wetlands overall mission, tactics, and projects.
  • Assist in writing Wetlands Annual Year in Review Report, fundraising appeals, and letters to the editor and Op-ed articles for newspapers.

Helpful Skills:

  • Strong writing, editing and proofreading abilities. 


Web Designer

Wetlands runs seven websites:,,,,,, and  Many of these sites need updating, new features and new designs.


* Working in conjunction with Wetlands' Internet Systems Administrator, take design specifications from non-technical staff members and implement them in an appropriate programming language/system. All tasks related to the development of the end product must be handled: software design, programming and debugging.

Helpful Skills:

  • Experience in HTML a must.
  • Some experience with a program like Photoshop, ImageReady, Fireworks, GIMP, etc.
  • Programming experience, especially experience with PHP and MySQL.
  • Experience developing dynamic websites with databases.





Phone: (718) 218-4523
Fax: (501) 633-3476
Email (no spaces):
info @

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