Wetlands Activism Collective Launches NYCEnviroAction.org

NYC is blessed with many, many environmental organizations. Unfortunately, this makes it very hard to keep track of everything going on. NYCEnviroaction is intended to solve this problem. On this site, you'll currently find a calendar of environmental events in NYC. Over time, we intend to add a directory of environmental groups, and a newswire blog with issue updates, action alerts, protest reports (including photos and videos), NYC environmental news coverage, and more. For the environmentalist, this website provides an alternative to subscribing to dozens of email lists, Meetups, and Facebook groups just to find out where this hydrofracking rally or mountaintop removal documentary screening will be taking place or to find a group working on a particular issue. Environmental organizers can check the calendar before planning an events to avoid scheduling conflicts with other environmental events and use the directory to find potential collaborators. For the media, the newswire and calendar will make it easier to keep track of what's happening in the environmental movement locally, and the directory will make it easier to contact groups when they find a potentially newsworthy story on the calendar or newswire.

The site is intended as an open, collaborative effort. We encourage all environmental groups in NYC to post events. Email us at info@nycenviroaction.org to request editing rights. Volunteers are also needed to help create new features for the site. Let us know if you'd like to help. Web skills are helpful, but Blogger is designed to be used by people with no technical knowledge, so anyone can help. Finally, let us know if you have ideas on how to expand and improve this site!

Visit the new site at http://enviroaction.org.


Phone: (718) 218-4523
Fax: (501) 633-3476
Email (no spaces):
info @ wetlands-preserve.org

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