Wetlands Activism Collective has had a hand in many of the most significant victories for the earth and for human and animal rights of the last sixteen years.

Rainforest Campaigns

*Joined Rainforest Relief in pushing Crate & Barrel to became the first company to announce that they will end the sales of furniture made from nyatoh, a wood logged from the rainforests of Indonesia. (more).

* Curtailed Fidelity Investments’ investment in genocidal rainforest destroyer Occidental Petroleum (working with U’wa Defense Working Group and others) (more).

* Stopped the use of rainforest wood in numerous municipal projects in the New York metropolitan area, including Ocean City, NJ (2.4 million) board feet of rainforest wood spared) and Wildwood, NJ (2.5 million board feet of rainforest wood spared) (working with Rainforest Relief)(more).

* Drove Home Depot, the world's largest retailer of old growth rainforest wood, to end their sale of wood from environmentally sensitive areas by 2002 (working with Rainforest Action Network, American Lands, and others) (more).

* Convinced Barnes and Noble to end the use of mahogany in the construction of their stores. (working with Rainforest Relief) (more).

* Assisted Rainforest Action Network’s Citigroup campaign, which brought environmental ethics to the private financial sector as Citigroup announces their “New Environmental Initiatives,” the most far-reaching set of environmental commitments of any bank in the world. (more).

*Celebrated a surprise early victory as announced its new climate and forest protection policies on the night before the first Rainforest Action Nework-planned National Day of Action. (more).

* Played a critical role in pressuring Mitsubishi Motor Sales America and Mitsubishi Electric America pledge to end use of old-growth forest products and phase out the use of tree-based paper as part of a Rainforest Action Network campaign.(more).

Human Rights Campaigns

* Pressured Heineken/Amstel, Anheuser Busch, Wente Wines, and Pepsico to pull out of Burma in response to human rights and environmental abuses and links to the global heroin trade by the SPDC, the country's military dictatorship

* As part of an international campaign, aided union organizers in their successful effort t be rehired after being fired for their organizing efforts at Nicaragua's Chentex factory

* Forced Gap, Inc to join 25 other companies in agreeing to a settlement on behalf of workers manufacturing their clothes on the US protectorate of Saipan, where imported workers were illegally forced into conditions akin to indentured servitude. The agreement will guarantee that will guarantee back wages, a code of conduct, independent monitoring, and repatriation for workers who wish to return to their home countries.

North American Wilderness Campaigns

* Supported successful effort by the Golden Trout Wilderness Protection League to end cattle grazing in the Golden Trout Wilderness Area by Anheuser-Busch Prevented passage of the Senator Dirk Kempthorne Orwellian "Endangered Species Recovery Act of 1997", (S 1180), intened to eviscerate the Endangered Species Act, the nation's strongest environmental. (working with the Endangered Species Coalition and other groups)

* Teamed with Dogwood Alliance, ForestEthics, and grassroots groups around the nation to stop Staples’ forest destruction for paper, resulting in a company commitment toachieve an average of 30% post consumer recycled content across all paper producs, phase out purchases of paper products from endangered forests, report annually to the public on its progress toward reaching these goals, and create an environmental affairs division headed by a senior executive reporting to Staples CEO. (more).

* Expanded efforts to reform the office supply industry with a campaign that resulted in Office Depot agreeing to identify endangered forests; engage in landscape level conservation planning, including the establishment of ecological reserves; work with its suppliers to end the conversion of natural forests to plantation and to prevent the use of genetically modified trees, and to increase its overall post-consumer recycled content to at least 30%. (more).

* Convinced Victoria's Secret's parent company, Limited Brands to announced it will stop using paper from Endangered Forests like critical caribou habitat in the Albertan Foothills for its catalogs, and to.begin using at least 10 post-consumer waste in its main catalog. (working with ForestEthics and grassroots groups around the country) (more).

* Pressured the NY Times to refuse to renew it’s contract with MacMillan Bloedel, the British Columbia-based logging giant that was supplying newsprint made from pulped ancient temperate rainforest trees. As a result of campaigns like this, MacMillan Bloedel eventually ended its contentious practice of clearcut logging in old-growth forests.

Animal Rights Campaigns

* Ended the cruel monkey drug addiction experiments of Ron Wood at NYU (working with In Defense of Animals, Earth Matters, and the Student Environmental Action Coalition)

* Prevented the lowering of the New York State big game firearm hunting age (working with the Fund for Animals)

* Stopped the legalization of the cruel underwater beaver snare trap (working with The Fund For Animals; Syracuse and Rochester Animal Defense Leagues; Beavers, Wetlands, and Wildlife; and Wildlife Watch)

* Blocked efforts by pro-hunting legislators to legalize crossbow hunting in New York.

* Halted the transfer of chimpanzees used in experiments from NYU to the notorious Coulston Foundation, a major animal welfare act violator (working with Students for Education on Animal Liberation at NYU and In Defense of Animals)

* Stopped plans by Mitsubishi and the Mexican Government to build a salt refinery in the sensitive brooding ground of gray whales (Working with the International Fund for Animal Welfare and the International Marine Mammal Project)

* Created the League of Humane Voters of New York City, the city’s largest and most influential animal rights political action committee. (more).

Global Justice/ Anti-globalization Campaigns

* Working in tandem with activists around the nation, prevented passage of the Peru Free Trade Agreement in the 109th Congress.

Freegan Advocacy

Created a global media phenomenon around freegan living, reaching tens of millions around the world with our message of ecologically sustainable living beyond capitalism (more).


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